Robot Assisted Sheet Metal Shaping / Incremental Sheet Metal Forming

Started by KatyaBryskina, December 28, 2017, 02:37:04 PM

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Hi, I'm developing a definition for incremental sheet metal forming. I don't have a problem with the toolpath, but I'm having a problem with simulating a metal deformation in parallel. Does somebody have a good example how to simulate it during the tool path simulation?

I attached an example what approximately I try to get. Thank you in advance!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


For our experiments with incremental sheet forming (using PET, not metal) we went the other, easier way and designed a form, which then defined the toolpaths. See e.g. at a workshop in Shanghai:
Approximating material behaviour in parallel to the simulation might work with Kangaroo, but I wouldn't expect to achieve an accurate simulation, as the material interactions are really complex. E.g. with PET, heat was a very significant factor, which you cannot really simulate that well in realtime.
The nicest approach towards material simulation of incremental sheet metal forming are the machine learning strategies that Mateusz developed for "A Bridge Too Far" at CITA. The disadvantages as with all ML being that you first need to collect plenty good data.

Let me know if you need any specific data from PRC to link it with your material simulation!
