Brick laying

Started by happytriger2000, September 14, 2014, 05:36:30 PM

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Hello Johannes,
                          Can I use Kuka PRC for Brick laying? I might try this first with Fablab Taiwan sometime soon.
If so, I will join member asap.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Well, brick-laying is basically just pick-and-place, an example for pick-and-placing is here:,3.0.html
The member versions contain separate components to actuate the digital outputs, though you can just enter the relevant code into the Generic KRL component of the free version (e.g. $OUT[4]=TRUE to set the gripper that is connect to output 4 to true).
Of course, you still have to define the position of the bricks, which can be quite elaborate, e.g. if you want to ensure that it's as stable as possible.

So from the robot side no problem at all once you've defined where you actually want to place your bricks!
Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I'll go ahead with the membership.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


You can also prototype it with the free version, the member version is quite a bit faster and supports external axes, among other "member" features. But a proof of concept can definitely be done with the free version as well.
Of course we'd like to have you as a member of the Association, though - there just shouldn't be any pressure ;)

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I have changed the robot from Agilus to KR-125-2 in "",  how do I change the current tool to my own tool? see pickandplace-gripper.jpg.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

I believe the pick and place example already uses the Custom Tool component, so just plug in your tool geometry as a single mesh (i.e. mesh it, join it, and ideally use ReduceMesh to reduce its size = increase the performance). Then double-click (or right-click) the component to get into the settings and enter the according XYZABC values. If you've already calibrated the tool at the robot then you can take these values, otherwise take a look at the explanatory graphic near the XYZABC values, i.e. with Z+ direction being the normal of the flange, and X+ pointing downwards.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Instead of "pickandplace" I  went for "02_PRCIntro_AxisMovement in TutorialIntro" is much easier.
I imported a gripper:

After importing the gripper select all gripper-->type "join" so the gripper is one piece mesh---> then on Gh--->right click "mesh" -->set one mesh:

The gripper at this point is still not joined to the robot, how do I join them?



Ok, by entering the values of XYZABC I can see the grey gripper movement.
Currently the X =1800, Z-1500 showing in the 1st picture below:

at 1st when X=0 y=0 z=0 a=0 B=0 c=0 the gripper is located somewhere far from the robot with the gripper tips pointing upwards see picture :


Ok, figured it out:
X=-1910 and Z=-1620, B=90

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Glad you figured it out! When you posted it was very early morning here, so I didn't see the posts until now.
I'll get back to your eMail in a few minutes!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Hello Johannes,
                          I have filled the form for membership, I need to test external axis soon.


For the "pickandplace" I'm using KRC1 for this test, do I need a post for KRC1?

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


No special postprocessor is needed, as KUKA didn't change the basic functionality much. You will most likely have to enable the "KRC2 compatibility" option in the output settings. Depending how old the KRC1 is it may require more changes to the header, please get back to us in the forum if it worked.
Ah, and advanced functions such as Spline movements won't work - I'd stay with LINear and PTP movements.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


1st: I move the robot 50mm above the brick then check the XYZ in KCP:


then enter those number in to PRC's setting in BASE.
Generate SRC, then load it to KRC1.

The result was "software limit A5 out of range"

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Freddy,

In that case I'm 99.9% sure that the problem is with the tool and/or base calibration.
Do not just read the tool position of the robot and use its XYZABC values for the base, but do it the regular way via Calibrate/Base/3 Points, where you define the base with one point in the origin, one point in X-direction, and one point on the resulting XY plane.
Another thing to take care is the tool orientation, in your case it will be something like X = 350 (the length of the gripper), Y=0, Z=0, A=0, B=-90 (as it is oriented normal to the flange), C=0.
Again I have to emphasis that the XYZABC values have to be the same on the robot and in the simulation in order to get a meaningful simulation out of it. An even more important the base and tool numbers!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture