How can I get dat and src file from PRC?

Started by lochengwei, October 07, 2014, 01:38:39 PM

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Q1 :I'm new from kuka PRC, and I already read the pdf of PRC introduction today. In this pdf there is no introduction to export the dat and src file from PRC setting. So how can I get these two files.

I think user need to have dat and src file as the toolpath(Gcode) to control the robot. If I am wrong please correct me.
by the way, I am using the trial PRC version,  can the trial version export the dat/ src file as well ?

Q2:I also watch the intro video in the Vimeo, I notice we can set robot's dimension and rotate angle in the old prc version, however, the version is totally different from the last prc version. I know that I can double click on kuka prc core into the setting panel, in the advanced setting section I can type the rotate angle of robot, but I don't know where to set the robot dimension.

thank in advance.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


To get started I would recommend taking a look at the examples in the forum. The documentation is indeed out of date, though there are some additional files for members. But just ask if you run into any issues!
We intentionally made it so that even the free version generates fully working robot code - if you're using an example file, make sure that the "Save File" box is checked and set an Output directory in the settings.
However, there is no need for a SRC and DAT file, all the necessary data is contained within the SRC file.

What are you referring to as the "robot dimension"? Do you want to create a custom robot model?

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Johannes thanks for your reply, yesterday I had send the src file to the robot , and it's work fine. However, when the robot move from one point to next one, robot will halt at every point,I can show you the video. I did not check the "halt" option in kuka prc setting panel. I did not know why the robot will act like the video. :-\

the toolpath is a spiral

and the other problem is, why my robot at the start point, I mean when it stand still. The A6 position it show RED color warming to me, but I send the file to the robot, it act fine.

that what the workflow I did. First, I got the KR210 model, and then check the KR210 spec data, use customize robot component, referring A0 to A6 parts into GH, set A0 to A6 rotate angle in PRC. but when the robot at beginning position,the  A6 show RED color to me.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I wasn't able to look at the entire video as my internet connection is quite slow in the train, but from what I've seen it's probably a wrong setting at the robot. Either the C_DIS value doesn't allow any blending of motions, or the robot is running in single-step mode. But then it would also show up like that with other files. Try changing the C_DIS value in the KUKA|prc settings if the single-step issue does not occur with other robot files.
Regarding the red coloring, that should be fixed in the member version which is several months ahead of the free version. For now, I would recommend just setting the axis limit for A6 to -360 to 360. The next major KUKA|prc release that will hopefully enter testing at the end of November will much more reliably simulate also processes that go past 180 degrees, e.g. winding.
Regarding your 3D model I would recommend running the ReduceMesh command, as it seems like a very high-poly model, which will negatively impact KUKA|prc and Grasshopper performance.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


hello Johannes ,

what's  C_DIS value meaning also the VEL value?  C_DIS setting location is in the advanced setting section, like the attached image?
and what the value should I enter?

about the red coloring, should I just change the A6 rotate angle -360/360, the A0-A5 just follow the robot spec data,right?
I will rebuilt my nurbs curve to polyline, thanks your recommend.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Well, this is something robot-related, i.e. nothing that is special to KUKA|prc. With your robot you should have received a DVD with all the PDF documentation, look especially for the KUKA System Software.

Here's the official definition of C_DIS:
QuoteA translational distance can be assigned to the variable $APO.CDIS. If the approximate
positioning is triggered by this variable, the controller leaves the individual block contour, at
the earliest, when the distance from the end point falls below the value in $APO.CDIS.

And here is C_VEL:
QuoteA percentage value can be assigned to the variable $APO.CVEL. This value specifies the
percentage of the programmed velocity ($VEL) atwhich the approximate positioning process
is started, at the earliest, in the deceleration phase of the individual block. The component
which, during the motion, reaches or comes closest to the programmed velocity value, is then
evaluated in terms of translation, swivel and rotation.

Basically the higher the value (distance for C_DIS, percentage for C_VEL) the smoother the movement will be, but it will also be less close to the programmed path.
I've attached a screenshot from an older KUKA manual.

And yes, only change the limit for A06!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


thanks for your clear explanation ,Johannes ! I will try it.