how to extract collision information

Started by ahmedshingaly, December 08, 2019, 09:00:57 AM

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I was wondering if it is possible to extract collision information form the KUKA core
there is Analysis output from kukaprc core but it shows null
I can detect the collision info from kuka core setting>>> analysis tab but I dont know how to extract the information of the collision

thanks in advance for considering my request
Ahmed Khairadeen Ali
PhD candidate

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I've replied to your mail and am sending you a temporary license to give it a try!
Let me know if you need any help implementing the members-only Analysis component to your workflow!



I received a trial license
but I am still not sure how to extract the collision information from the KUKA prc core

you guys mentioned using analysis component to extract the collision info. is that a separated component or is it the "analysis" output of KUKA PRC core because it still shows "null" as output

i would really appreciate your help

Best Regards
Ahmed Khairadeen

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Ahmed,

If the external axes are showing up the test license was installed correctly.
In order to get the Analysis output, check the "Output Analysis Values" box in the KUKA|prc Advanced Settings!



Dear Johannes

thanks alote for the quick reply
I was wondering if I could get to the server side on the kukaprc core in order to understand how it prints the warning or error messages

any suggestions
best regards
Ahmed Ali

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Go into KUKA|prc, then to the Utilities tab and get the Analysis component.
It will then expose the values to you!
