File description cannot be processed

Started by Xylotica, September 25, 2015, 04:22:17 PM

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It looks like I'm going to climb this ladder one support message after the other...
Now that I can access my USB drive (Johannes, I indeed needed to be in the administrator user group), the pendant will not allow me to copy my .src file to the kuka program folder.
The error message is "File description cannot be processed".

Is there a " kuka for dummies book somewhere " ?


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

I can send you some PDFs that are helpful, but file-handling isn't really a common topic as most manuals seem to assume that the user is mostly teaching the robot, rather than using external files.
Where did you try to copy it? We usually put our files into the [Robot Icon]/R1/Program folder

Try to copy the file to D: and see if that changes anything. Remember that you're using technology that is old in IT-terms, so the issue may be as low-level as that your particular USB stick just doesn't work with your robot.. If you're using a new USB stick, chances are good that its capacity is higher than the robot's HDD ;)



Hi Johannes,
The content of the Usb is displayed properly, and the file is tiny.
I just use "Edit+copy" and then move to the robot icon, in "programs" where I have a few test .src's that i made using the teaching method.
There, I just use "Edit+paste" and istead of pasting, I get this message.

Could it be something with the header ?
Or perhaps the .src file that is written by your program is not compatible "as is" with KRC2 ?

Frustrating times...
I have only one afternoon per week to get things moving, and I keep bumping into these kinds of silly problems...

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


If the code has problems, the robot will tell you where the error is (at line X).
I think that I wrote that before, but open the *.src file in a text editor and see if there is any content.
Attached to this post is a random *.src file - I wouldn't recommend to run it, but see if you can copy it to the robot and select it via the control panel.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

And did you try copying a file to D: as I suggested before?

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

For anyone with a similar problem:
I tried the file on a KRC4 and got the error message "Inadmissible module name" which is more helpful than on KRC2.
Turns out there was an empty space in the filename and projectname (with probably the latter causing the issues).
We just pushed out a new KUKA|prc member release, the version after that (in 1-3 weeks) will check for empty spaces (and not just for numbers at the beginning of a project name, which also wouldn't work).



Hi Johannes,

There's something fishy with this .SRC file : I get the infamous "FILE DESCRIPTION CANNOT BE PROCESSED" message.

I just spent an hour fiddling with file names and just could'nt find what it is the controller doesn't like about it...

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Don't use a number at the beginning of a file name!



Don't use a number at the beginning of a file name!

Oh gawwwd ! That's so silly...
Is KRC4 as autistic as KRC2 in that respect ?
Could you add warnings regarding compliance of src file names to the KUKA sticklings ?

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Actually when you enter the project name it does overlay it in red. But I'll see if I can make an additional warning!
I don't believe KRC4 is any different in that regard.
The problem is not so much the file name itself, but that the project name in the *.SRC file is picky. You may be able to set the filename to something "illegal" as long as the project definition in the *.src file is "legal".



Hi Johannes,

Thanks for coming back to me.
"Actually when you enter the project name it does overlay it in red"
AHA ! I see that now.
The reason I didn't notice is that I use the "Expose file name and save output" option.

As I process many Gcode files from Fusion, I use GH to reformat the file names and input them directly in the KUKA|prc main component.
As you know, I'm not a fan of all the stuff that goes on in the main component, despite the sleek interface, as I feel it deprives me from many possibilities offered by GH.

You might want to add a "Filename compliance" to the "Analysis" component...