Homebrew Controller

Started by Ryan3, July 27, 2020, 05:54:18 AM

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Once I finish demonstrate 8 axis Milling mysacstate with RM, my next task is to build my own controller for 6 axis robot. Currently available controller for homebrew are MAch3, EMC2, and LNC 6 axis myochsner controller. And after that I might need PRC's help for post-processor and maybe build a homebrew robot as well.

Any advice or suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Sure, with similar kinematics as KUKA you could use KUKA|prc. The member version can also output toolpaths e.g. as CSV (actually for KUKA CAMRob) or a G-Code dialect for KUKA.CNC, so it should be relatively straightforward to put it into a format your CNC controller may be able to read.
