About function of the component "Orient Plane-KUKA|prc"

Started by LzYzL, July 06, 2021, 06:46:54 AM

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Thanks for your reading.
I've found that this component will rotate planes around their Z-axis and I wonder why the component can facilitating reachabilyty in this way.
By the way,how can the Orient Point define the angles that the planes rotate?

Best wishes

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


That very much depends onto your application. For example if you want to take elements with a gripper, the orient point isn't much help because you need to pick up and place an object at a specific position.
However if you are doing a process that uses a symmetrical tool - e.g. milling, drawing, sometimes also 3D printing or welding - then you can use the rotation around the tool axis as a degree of freedom that allows you to optimize reachability.
We have experienced the Orient Plane to be useful for that, but as with all things involving programming, there are countless ways to achieve something.
