Turntable rotation direction

Started by Xylotica, May 09, 2022, 06:00:36 PM

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I realize that my table is turning in the wrong direction.
The gear ratio was set to a negative value (like all other axes on the robot, actually), but the table turns in the opposite direction as the simulation.
I just wanted to point that out because it could be a cause for failed millings for other people.
In short : for use with KUKA|prc, the gear ratio on the external axis must be set to a positive value.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Thanks a lot for the useful information!
With a custom turntable flipping the axis should also revert the direction. With the standard ones I tried to go with what we were using, but of course there is no knowing what the integrators were thinking at that time...



At last, I got the ratio and the sign right for my 7th axis.
It allowed me to make a wooden beercap :)

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

That turned out super-nice!!


Back to turntable issues.
I use a "Master" definition with many milling strategies ; some of them using the turntable, and others not.
I just switch from one strategy to the other, and that will automatically set a bunch of relevant options and parameters.
But having the "Rotary axis" settings inside the main component forces me to fiddle in there each time.
In many occurences, I forgot to change these settings and narrowly avoided sending a bad .src file to my cabinet...

As you know, I feel the same way for ALL the settings which are inside the main component, but having a turntable and using it in production really makes this example stand out.