Read tool path from SRC-file

Started by tonioste, January 14, 2015, 09:10:05 AM

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Once you create the src file, it is impossible to review its content without either running it with the robot, or using other simulation software. And if you have tens or hundreds of different files, you just have to hope that they contain the information you assume. It is very easy to accidentally overwrite the src, if you leave the "save file" tab on. Therefore I have two suggestions on improving the tool.

And the tool is excellent by the way, but that almost goes without saying. :) And I express my gratitude towards the makers.

1) Possibility to externalise the file saving to a component input. So either as a boolean, or filepath/filename+boolean (or a separate component with inputs for all possible parameters). The "save file" option within the tool is functional, but sometimes I miss the possibility to explicitly set at which point I want to save the file. Such as when creating multiple src files from the same definition, changing the parameters in between. Now I have to set "save file" on, save changes, set it off and then save changes again.

2) Component that could read back the src file and simulate the toolpath/robot accordingly. It is easy to read back the XYZ coordinates into Grasshopper (and show the polyline), but I cannot recreate the planes from the axis angles. So, I think it would not be too hard to have a component that reads and parses the src as planes for the robot to simulate back again.


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Toni,

Thank you for your suggestions!
I can look into the KRL-parsing, though at the moment it's quite busy here so I cannot give you a timeframe. In general, the KUKA Software SimPro / OfficeLite can read and simulate existing KRL files.
The save on/off suggestion is also good, it's just important for me to keep the component clean without to many inputs and outputs. I'll see if I can find a good position for a checkbox!


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Toni,

The new KUKA|prc release that is currently in "internal beta" now contains an experimental component for importing existing KRL code as per your suggestion.
You should have just received an eMail with the download instructions.

Kindly treat the new KUKA|prc version as experimental, it's a very significant improvement over the previous version, but not yet sufficiently tested and still in rapid development.
As a teaser, here is a screenshot of the new PRC controlling a (theoretical) 10-axis setup with two linear axis and a 2-axis positioner.
