Handle large files with PRC

Started by KR60-HA, August 07, 2024, 07:52:12 AM

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Hi there,

I'm using a Kuka KR60 for 3D printing purposes.

It happens that some parts we've poduced have a lot of points and therefore are super heavy (way over the 8MB the robot can handle).

So we need to split them into several files, but it affects print quality as the top layer has time to cool down while the next program is loaded.

Is there any way to get the whole file lighter ?
I'm aware that reduce points or doing polyline instead of curves can help reducing the file, but it's still not  enough.

I've heard that there's a way to translate the KRL into a CSV file that is super light.

How do you guys handle that problem ?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

When we got started in 2009 we used KUKA CamRob which could process CSV or BIN files, but that doesn't exist anymore. Something similar is possible with the OrangeApps PointLoader, which is pretty affordable, in my opinion, and works with KUKA|prc.
The "best" (but most expensive and by far hardest to integrate) solution would be KUKA.CNC which comes with its own pathplanner that is optimized for CNC applications. So while PointLoader is basically the same as running the KRL file (with problems when the path is spaced too tight) KUKA.CNC improves upon that.
We can also generate KUKA.CNC G-code from KUKA|prc.


Hi Johannes,

Thank you for your reply, I haven't heard about PointLoader, will have a try!

Appreciate your support