KUKA spindle

Started by Sailor Soane, October 20, 2015, 11:28:21 PM

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Sailor Soane

Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone knows which HSD spindle model is used for the standard KUKA spindle. Any help is appreciated!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I just went through my old photos from my time at TU Vienna where we had that spindle - that was the best I could find where the label is somehow readable: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=CCAAAC61F8C818D8!186572&authkey=!APC-73xrAwFEn4A&v=3&ithint=photo%2cJPG
It seems to be that spindle: http://www.hsdusa.com/bo/allegati/Files/797_1423h0241_rev03__es350_.pdf

Hope that helps!

Sailor Soane