Work Area Error With Resolution

Started by pstockho, October 27, 2016, 09:37:20 PM

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Today we had a hiccup while running a file that we have run in the past. The only variables that had changed was we were using a remeasured tool. After remeasuring the tool several times to insure that it had been correctly we still had an work area error. After going through and creating a new tool the problem resolved itself. We are at this point unsure of why this fixed, but it did. Any insight would be helpful. This work was done with a KR60 with a KRC4 controller running the PRC.

Thanks much.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hmmm... Can you give me some more details? You mention creating a new tool - do you mean in KUKA|prc or on the robot? In any case it is always essential that the XYZABC values of the physical and simulated tool are close/identical to achieve a reliable simulation. Even more important is that the tool number matches, as this is the value that gets written into KRL file.