Adding a tool that has ABC not at zero

Started by notarobot, March 07, 2017, 07:35:45 AM

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I am very much still a newbie, so this might be obvious, yet I still can't seem to find a way.

So far most tools in examples had their ABC and C angles at zeroes, alas I have a tool that is not. Is there an easy way to either select the working surface of the tool and feed that to the Custom tool component or place/turn the mesh of the tool in the correct position in the file?

I understand there is a way with Transform-> Rotate and Move in Rhino, but that would take a lot of guessing and I would love to actually understand what I am doing :)

The tool on the robot is at x 1.439, y 2.022, z 230.79, a 100, b 28.8, c 4.03. I have attached a mockup of my tool, but if it's more convenient, use any mesh you want.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Where did you get your XYZABC values from? It is important to remember that KUKA|prc uses the X-axis as the tool axis.
See attached an example how that may work, in this case with the exemplary values of Z= 208 and B=-90. B is that value, because if you look at the figure of the Custom Tool screen, X is facing "downwards", which would be 0/0/0. If the toolaxis is normal to the flange, the least rotation would be turning B by negative 90 degrees. Note that of course there are more valid combinations.
Also, take care to place your tool geometry as if the Rhino coordinate system were the flange coordinate system (where +X is facing "downwards"). The tool geometry should be only one single mesh, with not too many vertices in order to optimize the speed of Grasshopper. Having an extremely complex mesh may slow everything down.

Hope that helps, let me know if you still get stuck somewhere!