Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH) – 2nd Edition

Started by Amna_Mohamed, June 08, 2017, 01:14:48 PM

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Conservation of Architectural Heritage (CAH)
Architecture is the platform where all cultures, heritages, traditions, and histories meet, through architectural conservation, the built heritage is prolonged and conserved by the planning of individuals or organizations that works solely for the purpose of conservation & preservation of Architectural heritage. Through critical decisions that are based on the criteria of combining, artistic, contextual, and informational values, the heritage is preserved, restored, or sometimes, no actions might be taken for the best interest of the cultural and architectural heritage.

Planners, environmentalists, and policy makers are all working together to ensure the conservation and preservation of the cultural, and architectural heritage to the extent of meeting the needs of the present and the needs for the future. The challenge that we face, is not just the conservation and the protection of the heritage, but also how to convey the importance of preserving our heritage to the individuals, communities, and the cities of the world. The role of each and every individual in each community is as important as the role of the vast organizations that always seek to help and protect the environment, and heritage.

Following the success of the first international conference on "Conservation of Architectural Heritage", the second version of the conference will take place in Luxor & Aswan, Egypt on the 23rd of February, 2018 till the 26th of February, 2018. Scientific research will foster the attempt to improve the know-how in the field. Expected results include a better understanding of the problems facing architectural heritage, the development of policies favoring its conservation, the definition of practical guidelines and the organization of training and awareness activities.

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