KRC 2 .src file is not recognized as a program file in teach pendant

Started by jschmidt, November 20, 2017, 05:09:40 PM

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(Disclaimer: very new at this). I am working with a KRC2 and using the KUKA|prc Grasshopper plugin to create the program code. When importing the code into the teach pendant (which is through a USB - Floppy disk translator), the pendant does not recognize the .src file as a program file and won't run it. I've attached a screenshot of the .src file sitting in the program folder, and I've also attached the .src code.

Any help as to why this isn't working would be greatly appreciated - thank you!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Is the USB-floppy converter working with other *.src files?
If the hardware is not at fault, you might just need to enable the "Improved Compatibility with older KRC2" option in the KUKA|prc settings.
And if that does not help, select your file and it should show you an error list, with the line of code that is causing the issue - that should narrow it down!



Hi Johannes:

I got it to work - the problem was mostly that I had a dot in the code name : drawing_11.15.src. I shortened it to "dr20.src" and it was able to be read, but then I got an error message about the code (attached).

To mitigate, I opened up the .src file in Wordpad and deleted the line:   BAS[#PTP_PARAMS ... and then everything worked fine.

Maybe enabling "Improved Compatibility with older KRC" would cause the new code to negate that line - I didn't know that was there!

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Great, thank you for the update! Also don't put any empty spaces within the filename, or numbers to the front.
The option in the settings should solve the issue with BAS!

