Programming Issue: Kuka Robot difers form Controller

Started by donjorges, June 04, 2018, 03:07:16 PM

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Hey guys,

I´m proud owner of a Kuka Kr150 L150 sp/2 2001, a Controller  KRc2 Mp5 (125/2; 150/2; 200/2) , and pendant is Krc1, running software version KRc V4.1.6 sp3  / GUI version  V3.3.76 B207., Kernel version KS V4.83.

And I was wondering if that could affect, when i'm trying to create a manual program, doesn't give me any of the commands to create points of movements.

To add a point also, is that the  S|I|R indication ligths appears S=gray, I=green, R=gray.
and would like to know the meaning of the "S".

but i get it to jog manually.

Nacar bot

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello Jorge,

If is grey it means that the submit interpreter is not running. Take a look in your R1/System directory and see if there are any errors displayed for the sps.sub. Try to fix the error, by e.g. commenting out lines that refer to hardware that is no longer connected.
That issue might then also be connected with you not being able to teach positions.



Hey thanks for the reply.

So I did as you told me, but I couldn't open the file sps.sub, it seamed that it tried to load as a progress bar started to run, but it didn't run anything.
Also noticed that the icons appear red crossed, all of them.

i'm Attaching a photo of the screen.

Another thing I liked to mention, is that I created a PRC file from grasshopper, and the file was ".src", instead of ".dat", is this correct or something's wrong.

Please let me know.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


If you create a toolpath at the robot, the logic is in the *.src file, and variables such as the positions themselves in the *.dat file. We put it all into a single *.src file, so that's fine!

The red cross on the files mean that there is an error in the file. That you cannot open the error list is strange and might point to a deeper issue. Did you maybe accidentally delete a file, or did the robot have the issue from the time you got it? I cannot think of a  proper reason right away, it might make sense to contact the KUKA hotline regarding that.
Or if you've got a backup from before, roll back to it!

By the way, as you've got a KRC1 controller, you might need to tick the "enhanced compatibility with older KUKA controllers" box in the Code settings. Otherwise - depending on the version - you would also get a red cross and the error list would tell you that it doesn't understand one line. But that's not related to your current issue.



Hey Johannes... thanks for taking your time.

I was out for a few days...

So went back to the robot, and noticed that all the files were red crossed.. attached files.

How do I fix it, or how do I restore the robot... or this is why nothing at all works.

thanks, please let me know.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


The files are most likely looking for some variable that does not exist. My guess would be that you accidentally deleted a file.
Every red-crossed file should provide an error report what data it is missing.
You can then search on your install CD which file contains that data, and copy it back to the robot.



But I don't have a installation cd of neither softwares. Where can I find the cd for my controller?

Please let me know

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


The simple answer would be "from KUKA", but they may charge you for it.
We had a similar case recently and there seemed to be a folder called KRC1_CD or so on the D: drive, which seemed to contain the installer. We did not have to reinstall it, so we never tried it out, and it may also have been done manually, but it might still be worth checking if that folder exists.
You can only see the D: drive in expert mode or through Windows!



Thanks Johannes, you´ve been amazing...

I contacted Kuka (luckily I was around a Kuka Headquater) and they were able to send me an installation cd for the roboter, and now I´m asking them for a lot of things, and they are very collaborative.
So I hope next questions from me will be about the PRC, instead of the roboter...jejejeje

Thanks a million, bro!..

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Awesome, that's great news, I'm happy that they're supporting you!
I'd still suggest making a backup of the current state, even if it's broken!
All the best with the re-install!