Converting E6POS with S/T to E6AXIS

Started by antl, April 09, 2018, 05:35:26 PM

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For live communication with the robot purposes, I need to have all my movements as "PTP E6AXIS".
Yet, in my KukaPRC pipeline, I use a "PTP Movement" component with specified status & turn values.
Looking at the simulations, I am pretty sure that, for a given PTP E6POS+S/T, it exists an equivalent command of the form PTP E6AXIS.
Is there any possibility to do this conversion?


Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


I'm sorry for the late reply, I wasn't in the office the past days.
In the KUKA|prc settings you can enable the Analysis output. Then attach the Analysis component to the output, and you get access to the axis position of every movement, so that you can e.g. stream it with a custom RSI client!



Yes that was the solution, I finally managed to convert my E6POS into E6AXIS due to the analysis component! (Find enclosed my solution)

Now it is working, I can pilot my robot directly from KukaPRC  8)

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture