Real-time Programing

Started by evo85210, June 24, 2018, 12:41:19 AM

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I'm wondering if it's possible to do real-time programing with KUKA|PRC / if anyone have experience with this.
real-time programing ie: sending commands line by line and adjusting according sensor input data

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


With mxAutomation you've got a buffer of selectable size and everything that hasn't been passed into the buffer yet is parametric.
We can attach a simple distance sensor, get the position of the robot and the captured distance and then make up a 3D model, based on which we decide the next fabrication step.
For hard real-time, e.g. adjusting the pressure of the robot based on a force sensor, there is the KUKA Realtime Sensor Interface (RSI), which does not need an external CAD system, though - you could just activate it through a Custom KRL component.



hum, thanks for the reply, i'll look into it.
is there's a sample script/tutorial I can refer to to start? (for mxAutomation)


sounds like there should be a video tutorial...  :o

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Here's a quick example showing basic usage.
Regarding the post from before, we're working on an example at the moment, I cannot give you a exact timeline yet. But I'm happy to answer questions that you might have!

Video tutorials are always great!!
