wrong direction of the tool

Started by david skaroupka, May 12, 2014, 02:24:10 PM

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david skaroupka

Hi Johannes,

I have some problem with orientation of the A6 axis. Previously I made .src code and Robot works correctly. Later the same code produces different result. A6 axis was turned 180degrees (for example: tool points up instead down etc.) I have no idea, how to explain it and fix it.

Thanks for any idea.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture


Are you referring to the simulation or the actual robot? If the movement changed at the actual robot it may be that someone edited the values of the tool or base. At the robot, each tool and base has got XYZABC values and an ID number (usually between 0 and 17, with 0 being the flange/global base).
In the KUKA|prc code, the tool and base get referenced via their ID (e.g. tool number 6). If somebody changes the XYZABC values of a tool or base, it will have an effect on the robot's movements as it will assume the tooltip, toolaxis, or local coordinate system to be on another position. It should not influence the first and last movement as they are by default defined via axis values.

If that is not the problem, please send me a few photos or screencaptures of what you mean!


david skaroupka

I'm reffering to the actual robot. Simulation is OK. The SRC was once posted and Robot worked correctly. Now it goes wrong. As I know, nobody made any change with code or Robot. Strange, isn't it? :-)
I will check out base and tool settings next week. Now we are busy with lot of milling. I will let you know. Thanks

david skaroupka

Problem solved by custom tool with different A axis orientation.

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hmmm... Interesting! If you come across anything that might be a bug with KUKA|prc, please let me know, e.g. via johannes@robotsinarchitecture.org