where can I buy KUKA KR100-2 P 2000 series in low prices

Started by eufaz, April 22, 2019, 07:25:32 AM

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Hi there, I'm John
I'm looking for KUKA KR100-2 P 2000 series . I've seen it in many shops but I want to buy 10 of them.
So can you suggest me where I can buy it and get discount for this. It's very expensive so I want to get the best price for my project.
Any suggestion would be appreciated
Thanks in advance

Johannes @ Robots in Architecture

Hello John,

Those are very specific robots, apparently primarily built for press tending.
As the robot is no longer in production, you will need to be very lucky that someone sells 10 at the same time. More generic robots (e.g. KR150-2) are much easier to find.
You can start by asking the used department at KUKA, but they won't offer discount prices. There are plenty used robot sellers around, but I cannot really give you a "secret place", probably you've found them already via Google.
They often don't have all robots online, so I would just send those shops an eMail with the type of robot you're looking for and your price range.
