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Messages - Hyperbot

Support / Re: Turntable setup with Linear axis
December 14, 2018, 05:15:40 PM

Unfortunately not.
The message "the external machine has to be calibrated first." comes up.
So what is the step before, that is missing ? I also can't set the rootpoint.
Thank you for the link. I will read it and hopefully figure out where the problem comes from.

Support / Re: Turntable setup with Linear axis
December 14, 2018, 04:27:23 PM
Hi Johannes,

Thank you for your very quick reply.
I checked the external axis settings and it seems to be configured as synchronous axis. $EX_AX_ASYNC is set to =0 (see attachment)
Now i try to calibrate the offset base, but it said "Die externe Maschine muss zuerst kalibriert werden."
And when I try to set the rootpoint of the table, the message: "Kinematikzuweisung" appears. I chose ext. Kinematik Nr. 2 since it is the second external axis E2.

But I think the problem starts already earlier, because when I check the code in the editor before I load it to the robot, I see that it rotates +- almost 180° in A.


Support / Turntable setup with Linear axis
December 14, 2018, 09:33:48 AM
Hi there,

I am trying to setup a turntable in combination to a KUKA KR240 L210-2 2000 on a KL1500/2 track.
I followed the tutorial to it on youtube by Karl Singline.
Unfortunately it doesen't work for some reason.
On the simulation it works totally fine but when I check the generated code, the robot wrist rotates around the workpiece in A.
When I send it to the robot, the turntable rotates synchronized with the robot, but it doesn't keep the given vector and rotates around the table.
I checked the settings of the table, so I rotate it manually 360° is does a full circle. So the gear ratio is ok.
Can anyone help me with this ? I would really appreciate it !
