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Messages - ziqiuhuang

Thank you, Johannes,
That helped a lot.
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes,
You are right! It is what I try to achieve.
But I have too many commands, will that be okay for kuka|prc
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes,
I try to add 1 line of out put before and behind every line of G-code generated linear movement command. How can I realize it?
Can you offer me some help?
And I may need 4 output 1 line, I don't know how to combine output in 1 line.
Looking forward to your reply!
Thank you very much!
Best regards,
Support / Wireless UDP Connection
August 16, 2023, 01:25:42 PM
I try to combine movement with I/O and realize real-time control.

We have a OPCUA client in sunrise for real-time communication.
I try to use UDP for communication because it is simple and easy to realize.

I wonder if UDP can connect with PC in wireless.
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes,
Thank you very much for your method.
I think it is a good way to solve the problem.
I can use "extract command" to obtain information I need.
Best regards,
Hi, friends,
I have tried to use "extract command" battery. In this way, I can extract every plane of point to connect with SpLine/PTP/CIRcular movement and change the speed of each point.
I think it is a way to change motion mode in kuka|prc. But I haven't test its practical performance in 3D-printing or other task.
Best regards,
General Discussion / Movement Type of Importing G-code
August 09, 2023, 06:33:02 AM
Hi, Johannes,
Now I can import G-code for 3D printing. But it is limited to some simply line style patterns.
If I want to print some curve using robot, some problems may happen because of all the commands generated from G-code Import module is "LINear movement".
I wonder other movement form can be used to optimize G-code command.
Best regards,
Support / Re: Singularity when importing G-code
August 07, 2023, 01:23:25 PM
Hi, Johannes,
Thank you very much for your kind help.
I think it is a good way to solve the problem.
Best regards,
Support / Singularity when importing G-code
August 07, 2023, 07:50:41 AM
Hi, Johannes
I try to import G-code using iiwa LBR14 R820 do 3D printing.
However, when I import the code and adjust the position of printing, it is not working well unless I set Extrusion as 1 (in command E1 shows as 0).
Any solution to this problem?
Two pictures are attached to explain the problem
GH and G-code file have been attached in the end. In the, only top left grouped batteries are useful in the file.
Best regards,
Hello, Johannes
Thank you for your help!
I can see the speed if I export file as krl or xml file.
However, I wonder if I can change the speed in kuka|prc by some ways.
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes
Thank you for your rapid reply.
Here is a G-code generated from Cura. I can make sure its path works well, but I don't know where the speed is settled.
The G-code file is attached below.
Thank you for your kind help.
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes
I can now use G-code import to generate infill pattern as I want. But the speed of each point I cannot still control. In this way, I can only use constant speed settled in setting window to do the printing.
In any way can I incorporate speed into the command?
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,
Hi, Johannes
Thank you for your help!
The problem has been settled well.
Best regards,
Hi, friends,
I want to import G-code into kuka|PRC. However, when I import the code, the object to be printed is not in an ideal place. Usually, I need to drag the number slider bar to adjust it to a proper manufacturing position. However, I don't know how to do it when importing G-code.
I slice the model, a simple 200*200*20 cuboid in cura, which will meet the requirement of the robot to reach every point under proper position. However I cannot do that in cura, because if the object is out of making space, cura will not slice it to generate G-code. So I cannot drag the object in cura freely.
The reason I use cura is that I need infill printing not just the contour.
Hoping you can offer me some help on
1. how to adjust model positions in kuka|prc. Or
2. methods for infill 3D printing in kuka|prc.
Hoping to hear from you!
Best regards,
Support / Re: How to load base and tool
July 22, 2023, 01:54:32 PM
Hi, Johannes
Sorry for my late reply and thank you for your answer!
I don't know how to export the file type you mentioned. But I can get the data from Sunrise by syncing from robot. Then I can obtain BASE and TOOL coordinate on my PC (BASE data has been shown below in Sunrise).
Can I export this base as you said from Sunrise and how can I export from Sunrise or Robot?
Could you offer me some details about it?
The robot I use is a KUKA iiwa LBR14 R820 robot with smart pendant.
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards,