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Topics - petebooth

Support / axis limits and galapogus
October 05, 2018, 05:51:15 AM
Hi all,

Having a couple of issues with a setup that takes a bunch or random length boards, sorts them and then stacks them largest to smallest.

First is i'm having trouble limiting the A1 rotation to stop it going too far.  The KR120 is on a rail, but even when I have set up axis limits it still creates collision/reachability issues.

Second is how to setup galapogus to optimise tool paths. I have setup the mass addition on the analysis outputs and understand that I want to try an minimise this figure (analysis output is switched off in attached file for speed), but what are the actual things that galapogus needs to be able to vary. I think this should be the axis limits, but not sure how to set this up.

Files are attached, rhino 6 and latest kuka|prc members.

Help would be great.

Support / set base by numeric input
September 06, 2017, 03:38:25 AM
Hi all,
i had posted this in general discussion, it should be in support

I have 3 points of a physical base that are know in x,y,z format.
is there anyway to convert this to XYZABC in order to use the define the base via numerical input in both the KCR4 and kuka|prc?

pete booth
Support / HWC - static tool, moving block
April 23, 2015, 05:11:13 AM
Hi All,

I'm new the the forum, as here at UTAS we are just starting out in the world of KUKA|prc.
For our first project, my students have built a custom vacuum hold effector for our KR120 that is to be used in conjunction with a static table mounted hot wire cutter.
We understand how to define the vacuum holder as a custom tool on the KUKA, but we are struggling to understand how to define the table mounted HWC (horizontal) as the cutting element in KUKA|PRC.

ideally we would like to undertake something like RMIT did a few years back -

any suggestions would be great.
