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Messages - melangolo

Support / Re: Questions about KR2210 robotic arm
September 06, 2017, 04:10:51 AM
Hi Johannes,

Thank you very much!! Now the only way we can make the robotic arm move is to write a PTP movement on the KRC2's pad and then replace all the points...
Here are some files we generated:
The uii.src and uii.dat files are the one we write on the machine, one of them is the movement and one of them is the list of points' coordinates;
The kukaprc_project.src is the one we write using KUKA prc in grasshopper, however, the robotic arm can not run this correctly.

Can you please tell me a way to solve this problem? Thank you very much.

Support / Questions about KR2210 robotic arm
July 24, 2017, 04:28:11 PM
Hi everyone,

We have bought a second-hand robotic arm in model KUKA KR 2210 SC2 FLR ZH210 with KRC2 controller. I tried to use the model component KR 150-240-2 L130/210 in the newest prc program to generate .src files, but none of them worked. We can copy the files in C:/ disk in the robot but cannot copy them into KRC:/ where the program should be processed. Also, I tried to write a simple PTP command in the controller and found out the file is quite different from the one I generated from the prc.
Have anyone used a similar machine or knew what is possibly wrong? Am I using the right robot definition in the prc?

Thank you very much!!
I think it may be like the process of extrusion somehow. For example, in the tutorial section, the case of extrusion said: if e.g. the extruder is attached to the robot's digital output #33, you could use "$OUT[33]=TRUE" instead.

I wander if I can attach the lights to the robot's digital output? But how to do this?
Hi, I'm a starter on KUKA and I really need your help. We want to do light painting with KUKA KR900, and the problem is how to communicate between KUKA and ardiuno: we want the lights on only when KUKA is moving along the curves we set, and off when KUKA moving between those curves. I have looked up some material and it mentions something about digital output, but I don't really understand. Can someone help to tell me the method briefly?

Thanks a lot!