Sorry for this question not directly related to KUKA|prc, but : once a program is selected, how can I jump to a certain line ?
The "Escalator" slider is super slow in a program with over 25 000 lines...
Hmm... You could probably put comments there and then search for them. Or look for the line in e.g. Notepad and then search for the coordinate.
Maybe my explanation isn't clear enough.
I cann't use a comment, because I don't know in advance which line I will need to jump to !
For example, 1 hour ago, I ran in one of those nasty "CIRC parameter inadmissible" messages (using the Fusion NC importer component by the way) , and the execution of the program is halted.
So from there, if I want to jump after the problematic line and resume the program (instead of re-doing the program and running it from the start - HOURS !!!!), how can I jump to the said line ?
Since the commands were in fold, when I unfold, I'm at the beginning of the program, see ?
This KRC2 thing is so slow that the window elevator is useless. For now I just press "down" and wait, and it feels so dumb !
I know the feeling!
If you don't want the FOLD, you can disable that in the options. We had problems with a version of KSS 8.3 where too dense toolpaths were causing the controller to "lag", e.g. you press E-Stop, the robot stops, but the HMI needs 10mins or so to catch up.
If that is not a problem with your KRC2 then you should see the right line. For a CAM job it's unlikely that there are identical coordinates, so then just search for "X 856.54" or something like that and it should show you the line.
At least that would be my idea.
Regarding the arc error that usually means that the arc is too tiny. I tuned it for our robot, not sure if there are other tolerances for KRC2. If you come across it, please send the XML file and the SRC, with the line number.
I'm going to follow your advice and not use Folds. I don't need them anyways.
Search ?
How would I go about and search for a line in a program on KRC2 ?
I tried "Touch up", but it takes 10 minutes to open a sort of editor mode which is completely frozen ; I even thought I'd never get out of there.
Search might be a KRC4 feature, unfortunately I don't have access to any KRC2 robot at the moment. Next time I'm near one I'll take a look.