Robots in Architecture Forum

KUKA|prc - parametric robot control for Grasshopper => Support => Topic started by: Settawat on May 11, 2021, 06:46:16 AM

Title: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Settawat on May 11, 2021, 06:46:16 AM
I have a problem due to an error software limit switch at the external axis. I have used an external axis be stepper motor for the extruder (E1) but I have an error on a smart pad of Kuka it shows KSS01442 because my code have E1 = +185.218 so it more than the set value of the software limit switch  . In the software limit switch I have seen the value it has set -185 t0 +185 but when I change the value in smart pad it smart pad say can not change so I think the solution may be must close software limit switch but I don't know how to close the software limit switch for E1?

note: I have attracted pictures of error that show in smart pad and picture of value E1 in my code.
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on May 11, 2021, 07:15:58 AM

You can change the axis limits of an external axis in WorkVisual, or alternatively take a look into the $machine.dat!

Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Settawat on May 11, 2021, 08:36:16 AM
Dear Johannes

  In work visual mean ME_110_KSPsr12>machine data configuration>Axis type>endless,isn't it? and in smart pad mean  R1>MADA>$machine.dat  but I don't know what line name should change.

Best regards,
Settawat Wongmoh
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on May 11, 2021, 09:11:00 AM
I would either change it at one place or another. It will affect the other by itself anyway.
If you set it to endless, just note that when you are at 10 degrees and rotate to 365 degrees it will only move by 5 degrees, i.e. the shortest path.
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Settawat on May 12, 2021, 04:02:05 AM
Dear Johannes
How I change the value of software limit-switch more than -185 to +185 in work visual or close working software limit-switch in Work Visual or smart pad?
Best regards,
Settawat Wongmoh
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on May 12, 2021, 08:39:10 AM
It seems that the axis limits are strictly enforced between -360 and 360, not sure if this is new or if that was always the case.
For endless operation, go into Mada/$machine.dat and for E1 set $AXIS_TYPE[7] to 5.
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Settawat on May 13, 2021, 11:02:32 AM
Dear Johannes
Thank you for your suggestion. It's work.
Best regards,
Title: Re: How to fix error software-limit switch at external axis (E1)?
Post by: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on May 13, 2021, 07:20:37 PM
Excellent, thanks for the update!