Hey there.
We're in need of the ability to generate .dat files to work with kuka arctech. It would benefit us to be able to automatically generate a DAT file containing some data we'd like to have the program reference.
For reference, this is to be able to change welding parameters between a Kuka KRC4 and Fronius power source.
Also open to alternative solutions. We've been trying to change the settings based on a signal declaration for a bit to no avail.
The way I always interpreted it, DAT files are primarily a way to structure data in a nicer way. So while the overall sequence of commands is in the SRC file, the DAT contains some variables etc. You could e.g. define all your robot positions in the DAT file as E6POS and then call it as PTP VariableName.
I've never used ArcTech but I assume that when you teach a position via the smartPad, it will store some ArcTech specific data along with the position in the DAT file.
But there is no particular "magic" in the DAT file, chances are good that you could just find out the relevant variables and methods and call them from the SRC file as well.
So I don't think just generating a DAT file alongside the SRC file will solve your issues.
To be able to support you, I would need to know with quite a lot of detail what kind of functions you need, their syntax etc. and then I can see if it's possible to integrate it into KUKA|prc.