hi all,
for what I understand the standard procedure to calibrate a base is:
1) get the base data from the robot
2) input the base information to the PRC component (or as a frame)
3) the base will be set at 0,0,0 and the robot will move to another location
I guess this is fine except when working with inclined planes, as the robot will rotate to keep the plane flat, and everything will look weird in the simulation
My question is, is it possible to set the base as a frame while keeping the robot always at 0,0,0 in Rhino?
thanks in advance!
The idea of this approach is that your toolpath stays at the same location. Because if you place the robot at the global 0, then the toolpath would have to move in turn. It's not an ideal approach and e.g. when you use a positioner the toolpath has to move anyway. But in my opinion the advantages are greater than the disadvantages.
What you can always do is simply take the meshes and colors of the robot, create a Custom Geometry component and visualize the robot yourself at the global zero point.