Robots in Architecture Forum

KUKA|prc - parametric robot control for Grasshopper => Support => Topic started by: luispacheco on January 31, 2025, 04:16:04 PM

Title: Etracting the RPY (roll pitch yaw) from the $pos_act variable
Post by: luispacheco on January 31, 2025, 04:16:04 PM
I am tryng to "extract" the position and orientation of the tool , POS_ACT gives me back a list where I can get XYZ ABC plus the external axis, but im not sure how i can transform this to get the euler rotation or RPY, tried converting and I cant seem to get the right rotation, maybe KUKA uses a different orientation convention?
Title: Re: Etracting the RPY (roll pitch yaw) from the $pos_act variable
Post by: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on January 31, 2025, 05:40:55 PM
There are all kinds of Euler conventions, you probably picked the wrong one unfortunately.

If you are doing it in Grasshopper, you take a plane, create a rotation by the A value around the Z-axis, then rotate the plane accordingly, do the B value for Y, rotate the plane accordingly, and finally the C value for X and rotate the plane accordingly. That will get you the correct coordinate system. Note that the transformation is cumulative and that the order makes a difference.
The same should work in any other software where you can do 3D transformations!

Title: Re: Etracting the RPY (roll pitch yaw) from the $pos_act variable
Post by: luispacheco on January 31, 2025, 06:54:33 PM
Yes that was the issue its using ZYX, works perfect now thanks :)