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Messages - mra4

Hi Woodboss,

2) perhaps you are looking for the Rad(ial)Grid component (Vector - Grid - Radial? Arranges points circular, so you don't have to draw circles and divide it.

Support / Orient input for 3DPrint Component
April 27, 2017, 03:45:01 PM
Hi Johannes and all others,

I try 3D-Printing with KUKAprc. I'd like to use the 3dP(print) component to convert gcode from a slicer to krl. Seems I'm doing something wrong at the orient input. I understand that it expects a point. So I used "construct point" to generate a point from XYZ. Put when I connect the constructed point the 3dp component turns from orange(missing ORIENT input) to red ("1. Solution exception:Input string was not in a correct format.". Tried with a panel "100,0,0" (point without brackets). Any hints how to set orientation?

Thanks, Stefan
Support / Re: Extruder for KUKA
April 27, 2017, 03:36:25 PM
Hello Karl,

we tried a little with a standard extruder for desktop 3d-printers (bulldog extruder). We drive the extruder stepper with a nanotec stepper controller. This accepts a digital input for starting and stopping extruder an an analog output for speed.

I have to correct myself a little. I don't miss it (I often don't even do a modell of the tool, tool coordinate cross is mostly enough), i just fitted my workflow better. the reason to ask in public additionally to our mail conversation is, that I'm not very used to grasshopper. I just wantd to hear how others do. Perhaps theres a very elegant solution for the conversation between version 1 and 2 input out there. I'm also interrested in strategies for version 2.
Hi Johannes,

yeah, sorry i miss it... But no hurry or even matter. Just wanted to hear how the others do it. Maybe I'm on the wrong track.
Also was a good recapitulationhow the KUKA control handles the rotation and displacement of tool coordinates.

Have a nice evening,

I'm interested how you handle the change of the tool geometry position. I prefer how it had to be done in KUKAprc v1: Tool center point at the origin of Rhino and tool direction along x-axis (see Johannes post,115.0.html).
In version 2, as I understand, you have to place the surface of the tool, that is mounted on the robot flange, on the XY-Plane. The center of the flange at the origin.
I already discussed it from Johannes Braumann. I understand that the new approach might looks easier.
But for me, a robot programmer, the approach of version1 is clearer. I do prototyping with our students and they often must built their tools on their own. Mostly the CAD drawing comes after the tool. After that I measure the TCP with the routine on the robot. This should be accurate and I like to use it as reference. So I startet to put the TCP on the orogin again an to rotate and move it according to the measured tool data inside grasshopper. But it feels like a aorkaround and I have to insert tool data at two places (KUKAprc custom tool settings and my grasshopper block). I also had to add 180° to the A rotation value I cannot explain to myself at the moment...
Do you have a better/shorter/smarter/other way?

If I could wish, I would like to have XYZABC-values of the tool cordinate system as input or ooutput of the KUKAprc custom tool function, so I could reuse them.
Anyway, it's a great tool!

Thanks for your suggestions,