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Messages - Ghaith

Support / Re: Dynamo: Dereferencing a non-pointer error
February 28, 2018, 03:03:12 PM
Hi Johannes,
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, pleas. If you can send me the new version would be great. I am currently preparing sample files for the blended elearning for Autodesk and Dynamo and I have reached the level where I need to implement the KUKA PRC.
I will for sure need more functionality but most of them are existed in the Grasshopper version. I will see if I need something more but first let me make sure that I have a working version of KUKA prc at least because I really need it to function.
Support / Dynamo: Dereferencing a non-pointer error
February 22, 2018, 04:44:05 PM
I have this problem that KUKA PRC componants for Dynamo always shows this error "Internal Error Pleas Report: Dereferencing a non-pointer "

Pleas let me know what is the solution.

Kind regards,
Support / KUKA PRC Dynamo Error
December 12, 2017, 02:41:49 PM
KUKA PRC DynamoRevit version shows error messages after installation as the following :
" Warning: Logic.RunCore operation failed The type initializer for KUKAprcDynamoLogic threw an exception"