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Messages - ethan

General Discussion / low resolution version of robots
November 06, 2018, 12:29:09 PM
Hi Forum -
Is there a way to have a lower version resolution of the robots mesh wise to streamline simulations?
...more than just the internal kinematics line but less than the fully resolved robot?
Support / Custom Turntable for 3+2 style milling
June 17, 2018, 03:40:26 PM
Hello Forum.
I am following videos on how to use the turntable function with PRC but these assume a KUKA generic turntable.

I would like to get a rotary axis as an external axis and use it just for positioning the work piece between KUKA milling movements.
Are there any tutorials that would show how to assign a custom geometry to an external axis and how i would generate code to position the work piece between kuka movements?
Something like: do typical prc movements... then stop... spin rotary axis... then continue PRC movements?
Support / Re: MXA questions
June 07, 2018, 11:49:04 AM
Johannes thanks for your reply.
Can you expand on where I would find the Diagnostic Monitor to look at the KLI network port activity
and also where the ProconOS is?
Are these accessed from the KUKA pendant?
I guess I might as well also just ask
where and what is the KUKA testprogram?
This is different than the simulations from PRC ...?

Thanks for sharing your amazing amount of knowledge!
Kind Regards. ;D
Support / MXA questions
June 06, 2018, 01:33:30 PM
Hello Forum.
I am working with MXA and am having a hard time getting it to run consistently.
I often get the following errors and I am not sure what is triggering them or how to solve them:
any advice on what these mean and potential causes?I know that is a broad questions sorry. and thanks. E

[MXA] 783
UDP connection timeout 3000 ms triggered

Robot stopped by SoftPLC (MXA_SYN)
Originator KS


KSS00108 Dynamic Braking Active
Support / Re: KUKA|prc with ghpythonlib.components
March 28, 2018, 10:31:19 PM
Hello Johannes,
I was curious about calling KukaPRC from python and found this old thread.
I would like to ask for any further information on how the newest PRC interacts with python...
I am interested in calling PRC commands from python and am not sure if this is possible.
Any advice or examples are appreciated.
Many thanks