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Messages - donjorges

Support / Kuka PRC Crash
November 06, 2019, 05:31:04 AM
Evening all,
I just upgraded the 3rd version of PRC, and when I load the $config of the robot (it asks me twice, i select it twice) it crashes.

I'm on a Kuka150/2, KS version4.97, on windows 7, and rhino5.5.

any sugestions on the issue?
Tutorials / Re: Surface Milling Tutorials
October 02, 2018, 06:38:01 AM
thanks Johannes...
I´ll be practicing
Tutorials / Re: Surface Milling Tutorials
October 01, 2018, 03:41:50 AM
i starting working on milling surfaces.. so, how do you start from the stock, this example is like the finish part, so to begin from the foam cube that you bougth at the store, and how do you develop and start milling from that..
do you offset, how do you...please.
Support / Re: KUKA prc. User guide or Manuals.
August 27, 2018, 04:19:06 AM
Just teasing you karl,
As all architects say, "it will be done when it's done"

Much appreciate your work and of course it will be valuable, right mr Johannes!...

Anything on the mean time I could read about it?
Support / Re: KUKA prc. User guide or Manuals.
August 24, 2018, 07:32:34 PM
Hey that is obstruction of information.

How soon is soon?

At least the first pages to understand a bit how to achieve things.

Please let me know
Support / KUKA prc. User guide or Manuals.
August 24, 2018, 03:57:22 PM
Evening all.
I wanted to know if there is a user manual about the PRC Software.
I would like to understand much of it, instead of discovering things.
Will be much appreciated.
Thanks Johannes, you´ve been amazing...

I contacted Kuka (luckily I was around a Kuka Headquater) and they were able to send me an installation cd for the roboter, and now I´m asking them for a lot of things, and they are very collaborative.
So I hope next questions from me will be about the PRC, instead of the roboter...jejejeje

Thanks a million, bro!..
But I don't have a installation cd of neither softwares. Where can I find the cd for my controller?

Please let me know
Hey Johannes... thanks for taking your time.

I was out for a few days...

So went back to the robot, and noticed that all the files were red crossed.. attached files.

How do I fix it, or how do I restore the robot... or this is why nothing at all works.

thanks, please let me know.
Hey thanks for the reply.

So I did as you told me, but I couldn't open the file sps.sub, it seamed that it tried to load as a progress bar started to run, but it didn't run anything.
Also noticed that the icons appear red crossed, all of them.

i'm Attaching a photo of the screen.

Another thing I liked to mention, is that I created a PRC file from grasshopper, and the file was ".src", instead of ".dat", is this correct or something's wrong.

Please let me know.
Hey guys,

I´m proud owner of a Kuka Kr150 L150 sp/2 2001, a Controller  KRc2 Mp5 (125/2; 150/2; 200/2) , and pendant is Krc1, running software version KRc V4.1.6 sp3  / GUI version  V3.3.76 B207., Kernel version KS V4.83.

And I was wondering if that could affect, when i'm trying to create a manual program, doesn't give me any of the commands to create points of movements.

To add a point also, is that the  S|I|R indication ligths appears S=gray, I=green, R=gray.
and would like to know the meaning of the "S".

but i get it to jog manually.

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