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Messages - ashishmohite

General Discussion / Re: fronius with kuka prc
November 01, 2018, 01:37:01 PM
Hello johannes,

I created a kuka_project.dat file with the text which you posted here and it worked like a charm.
Thanks a lot. Here is the first sample.


General Discussion / Re: fronius with kuka prc
October 31, 2018, 01:18:59 PM
Hi Johannes,

Thank you for a fast reply. I am attaching two files which have been successfully working with the robot setup. They were generated on the pendant without any external software.
When I open them in text file there is a lot of data which I do not understand when I open them in workvisual still there is a lot of data which I cannot make any sense of.
I need to figure out how I could add these commands to my workflow in kukaprc.

General Discussion / fronius with kuka prc
October 30, 2018, 02:35:59 PM
I have started working with a Kuka robot which has the Fronius arc welding setup. previous users of the robot were using PTP movement and adding the ARC on And ARC off command manually in the pendant. When I create an extrusion tool path (linear moe) with the robot and try to add this ARC ON and Arc off manually, this does not work. I am not able to add these commands manually.
The file created by other users before (ptp) had two files ABc.src and ABC.dat. What is the right way to create a Kuka code using kukaprc which has these ARC ON and Arc off settings? Any help is much appreciated.

Ashish Mohite