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Messages - evo85210

Support / Re: SYS-X44 and X48 error
April 09, 2020, 10:21:58 AM
Hi Johannes,

Color doesn't seem to matter as long as the numbers match, up and running fine now, thanks for your help, much appreciated.
The short was caused by mouse chewing thru wires to an external device (I'll check the wiring before startup from now on, that really scared me).

Just FYI, I've attached a photo of the color differences, one that looks like orange is the spare.
The two fuses are of different construction, so I guess it's just color difference between different manufacture.

Thanks again.
Support / Re: SYS-X44 and X48 error
April 09, 2020, 09:53:28 AM
Hi Johannes,

Thanks for the quick reply, went thru and checked the fuses, indeed a few was blown.
I've found the spares, but none of the colours seems to match the ones preinstalled, tho the number written on them are the same.

just wondering if you know if the color matters, or if just the numbers written on them?

Support / [Solved] SYS-X44 and X48 error
April 09, 2020, 08:25:03 AM
This is not related to KUKA PRC, but i'm hoping someone can still give me some pointers.
Started up the robot today, and was greeted with a bunch of error, the robot refuses to move due to these errors generating a safety stop.
as ssen in the attachment below, the errors are:
SYS-X44 no network response
SYS-X48 SION-S is not connected to bus

There is EK1100 installed, but none of the lights are on, it was working a few weeks before.
I've also included the workvisual configurations.

Is there something i can do to fix the error? or Do i have to replace parts?
General Discussion / Re: remote desktop over KLI?
December 31, 2019, 03:37:56 PM
yes, i know the username and password of the login, the problem is that the remote desktop connection doesn't detect the controller.
as seen in the attached screenshot, I can access \\, but RDP does not detect it..
General Discussion / remote desktop over KLI?
December 31, 2019, 08:43:35 AM
is it possible to do a remote desktop connection into a KRC4 KSS8.3.33 controller?
I can access shared folders over KLI, but when i try a remote desktop connection, it doesn't connect.
Support / [bug] turntable visualization error
December 16, 2019, 10:22:05 AM
I've noticed that sometimes the visualization for the turntable becomes incorrect.
at first it'll be completely fine, but after a few saves and edits, "sometimes" this bug appears.
I've found no method to recreate this problem, it just happens randomly.

Seen in the attached screenshots, the first one, the visualized height for the turntable is incorrect, but code generation is correct, as it's still tilting and rotating from the correct axis, resulting in the turntable become disjointed.
the second screenshot is what's correct.

I've concluded that something is wrong with the core, if I create a new core component and reconnect everything, it'll fix itself.
and if I copy the broken core component into another file, it'll still be wrong

attached gh is with the broken core.

I am on the newest release.
Support / Re: Relative movement?
November 19, 2019, 08:59:35 AM
Attached is the partial file with the error
Support / Re: Relative movement?
November 18, 2019, 09:41:59 AM
Understand, thanks for the feedback.

on another note, been playing around with PRC to create the base code which I'll manually edit later.

I've noticed that if I use the wait for digital input component, core will give me an error:
1. Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index
This seems like a bug?
Support / Re: Relative movement?
November 18, 2019, 05:36:29 AM
Hi Johannes,

Thanks for the quick reply.

unfortunately the edu-cell is not new, and it seems someone has changed a few things, the one demo file i found on the machine crashes the robot when ran.
Did a quick search on google, and it seems a relative move is done by setting a new base? ie:
LIN BASE1:{POS: X 234, ....}

So I'm guessing the krl code would look something like this:

?????                                   ;some code here to set current position as new base (base1)
WHILE W==1 OR $IN[27]==FALSE            ;when scanner not detecting anything or if W equals 1
LIN BASE1:{POS: X 100}                  ;gripper move forward linearly for 10 cm
W=0                                     ;change W to 0 to exit while loop if no object is found

IF $IN[27]==FALSE                       ;when no object is found

LIN BASE1:{POS: X 0 Y 0 Z 0}            ;go back to start position, in preparation for other commands

ELSE                                    ;if object found
?????                                   ;some code here to set current position as new base (base2)
LIN BASE2:{POS: Z 25}                   ;move gripper down 2.5cm from current position (base2)
PULSE ($OUT[25], TRUE, 0.2)             ;close the grippers
LIN BASE2:{POS: Z 0}                    ;move gripper back up to position when object was detected (origin of base2)
LIN BASE1:{POS: X 0 Y 0 Z 0}            ;go back to start position, in preparation for other commands

assuming the above logic is correct, then my question would be how to i set my current tcp position as the new base (base2)?


Support / Relative movement?
November 17, 2019, 09:54:09 AM
So I have a training cell KR6, which comes equip with a gripper and laser sensor. The sensor sensor can sense when something enters its sensing range and make a input become true.
So I'm wondering how to best use this sensor.

for example:
move forward 10 cm, when sensor senses an object, move gripper down to pickup the object?

but this would require if statements and relative movements.
Can this be accomplished in PRC?
I can understand basic KRL, but I can't write this from scratch.
Support / Re: import gcode digital output
October 14, 2019, 11:37:52 AM
Yup, working.
Thanks.  :)
Support / Re: import gcode digital output
October 07, 2019, 03:22:07 PM
Hi Johannes,

I've tested the file you provided, but from what i can tell, the src file still isn't toggling any digital outputs?

&REL 1
&PARAM TEMPLATE = C:\KRC\Roboter\Template\vorgabe
DEF kukaprc_project ( )


;FOLD STARTPOSITION - BASE IS 2, TOOL IS 1, SPEED IS 15%, POSITION IS A1 5,A2 -90,A3 100,A4 5,A5 10,A6 -5,E1 0,E2 0,E3 0,E4 0
PTP  {A1 5,A2 -90,A3 100,A4 5,A5 10,A6 -5,E1 0,E2 0,E3 0,E4 0}


PTP {E6POS: X 188.402, Y 137.359, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, S 'B 110'} C_PTP
LIN {E6POS: X 188.402, Y 137.359, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 184.532, Y 141.626, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 179.343, Y 145.374, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 176.801, Y 146.654, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 172.17, Y 148.259, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 166.023, Y 149.136, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 159.616, Y 148.662, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 155.047, Y 147.412, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 152.482, Y 146.34, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
LIN {E6POS: X 147.078, Y 143.005, Z 0, A 0, B 90, C -180, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0} C_DIS
Support / Re: import gcode digital output
October 07, 2019, 04:47:43 AM
yes, E is how much the extruder extrudes in mm
but the extruder on my tool is set to extrude at constant speed, and only extrudes when it receives signal from D32 on the robot.
So what I'm wondering is if it's possible to convert the E in the gcode to D32?
I'm also curious as to by default, what does the component expect in the Gcode for the extrusion mode? I could probably modify the gcode to match?
General Discussion / no memory available
October 04, 2019, 03:24:02 PM
So i'm doing some complicated tool paths for a large 3d print.
and I've ran into the 8mb file limit problem.
I thought that if i split the file up into smaller files of <8mb i'd be fine, but the 8mb is accumulative not by file.
Just wondering how others are getting around this problem?

(There's about 5 millions line of instructions, totalling around 100 something mb)
Support / import gcode digital output
October 04, 2019, 11:59:35 AM
I'm importing gcode generated by cura, the gcode flavour is bits from bytes
Everything seems to be working fine, but the digital output command doesn't get added