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Messages - marcmoulton



Simulation works as expected (or as I wished).

Yes, understand about the mountain - was working on bunny ears - will keep working and exploring.

Thanks tons for your help.

Hello Johannes,

I am learning from Karl Singline's Custom Turntable but wish to work with Meshes.

All meshes seem to self-intersect. (I've tried to simplify, make more complex, align normals, flip normals).
As such, the form is destroyed during the process.

Is there a way to keep the contour lines/toolpath on the outside of a mesh form?

I've attached files and baked the toolpath (highlighting the problem intersections in red).

This file has not been run on an actual robot - so not certain it would fail but I cannot figure out what is wrong.
Oh by the way, I asked Karl but he was busy moving and recommended I ask you.

Thank you,