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Messages - jacksonbewley

I was trying to move our robot across a polycurve which has been divided into many many points.  I used a point-to-point component as the command generator and was able to successfully write a src file, yet because I used point-to-point the robot was not interpolating its path in any way and moved very slowly and jerkily between points without time to accelerate. 

For this reason, I changed approaches and started to use the spline command component, but I've run into issues there as well on the grasshopper side.

I am wondering if there is any quick way to smooth out this point-to-point path so that the robot can execute it more quickly?  Perhaps this is just a fundamental part of the way p2p works.

Robot = Kuka Agilus

Thanks for your time,

Support / Spline Command Inputs
September 13, 2013, 03:46:33 AM
I can't quite figure out what the Spline command component is asking for as inputs to Guide, Orient, and Base.

I thought it was asking for an origin, + x, and + y point to define a plane.  I am plugging in a long series of points which I assumed would be interpolated as a spline by the component.  Whenever I plug things into all three inputs, my computer crashes and needs to be rebooted.

I have 8gb ram and an i7 pentium processor so I do not think it's a hardware issue.

Any advice would be welcome. 

Thanks for your time, I'm a student at UVa and we're discovering our new Kuka as we go this semester.