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Messages - Andreas Renz

Support / Kuka/PRC on a Mac
January 18, 2019, 01:37:02 PM
Hi all,

does anybody know if Kuka/PRC is running on the mac version of Rhino. I ask because there is a mac version of grasshoppers coming and I'm thinking about buying rhino. I'm mainly working on mac and it would be cool to stay on macs. Otherwise I will buy the PC Rhino Version.

Thanks for Inputs.

General Discussion / Re: Robot for CNC Wood Milling
January 11, 2019, 03:13:55 PM
Hello Johannes,

thank you very much for the answer. Helps a lot. I already noticed that larger robots really are not more expensive, but space is a issue (at least for the moment). But as you recommend, I will definitely look now for a Robot with a KRC2 ed05. Now I have to make some space and go on.

General Discussion / Robot for CNC Wood Milling
January 10, 2019, 08:55:22 PM
Hy Guys,

I'm new in the RobotWorld and I'm looking for some advice. I have a small Woodshop making Furniture and Woodenobjects. I have quite some experience in 3 Axis CNC Milling with Fusion 360. Now I would like to buy a Kuka Robot for bigger and more organic Objects. I could buy a Kuka KR15/2 with a KR C1 controller and I would like to stay on Fusion 360 if possible. Am I on track???
Do you have better ideas or recommendations? Is the Kuka 15 strong enough for efficient milling?

Thanks for any input.
