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Messages - petrvacek

Hello everyone

I have an experience with calibrating DKP 400 turntable with 2 axes. The calibration process was tricky and I had to experiment, because it was not so obvious from other tutorials and nor from this forum. When I followed available description of steps, I always ended up with DKP table base placed somewhere else but the proper position. So I exchanged many mails with Johannes, trying to solve the issue and find out the proper setup. Now I want to share it with you. Feel free to comment your experience and have fun! ;) 

Robot - KRC

  • Calibrate any tool, that has sharp TCP. Use standard 4-point calibration method. Save the calibration under any available number.
  • Calibrate External Kinematics Root Point. Follow instructions and use previously calibrated tool. Calibration mark of DKP-400 is a little cross engraved into it's flange. You get XYZ ABC coordinates of DKP table root point. Save the base under any available number (mine is #10).
  • Set DKP table to original position (no tilt) of any axis.
  • Calibrate Offset Base of External Kinematics. Use previously calibrated tool. Follow instructions: First you have to place TCP to the origin of new base, which is the center of DKP flange (I used paper tape to fill the hole and mark center point exactly). Then move TCP to any point in X direction (in my case it was calibration mark). And finally move TCP to any point in Y direction (I marked perpendicular line onto DKP flange). Write down values XYZ ABC.
  • Calibrate a new base and save under any available number. Steps are the same as previous, but now it's NOT "offset base" but just "base". Write down values. Write only Z value.
  • Check calibration. Move external axis E1 or E2 and check TCP behaviour. If everyhing is calibrated correctly, TCP will move relatively to DKP 400.

  • Set up a definition with DKP component and right click it to set values. Use XY ABC values from "offset base", step 4). Skip Z value.
  • IMPORTANT: Use Z value from "base calibration", step 5). Apply values.
  • Open Robot Core component to set robot base values. Use "offset base" values from step 4), now including all values (in my case it's 0,0,0,0,0,0). Set proper base number, which in my case is #10.