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Messages - Mido1988

General Discussion / Re: Hello,
November 21, 2013, 10:21:27 PM
Ok, thank you for the answer. I don't have a robot yet though. I have managed to get two manuals till now.

So first things first ...

Now this first component (KUKA|prc CORE) ... #takes inputs# ... ##does something## ... ###gives outputs### ...

#What are the inputs "COMMAND", "COLLISION" and "DEFAULT TOOL"? Where do these inputs get "food" from? For the inputs "ENABLE" and "SLIDER", I could take the parameters "Boolean Toggle" and "Number Slider" ...#

##What does the "KUKA|prc CORE" do?##


you help me with figuring this out and you are the boss.
General Discussion / First Question:
November 21, 2013, 08:55:23 PM
What are toolpath positions? What does "having three points at every toolpath" mean? What is the toolplane?
I have no problem creating points, curves, surfaces etc. in Grasshopper ... The problem is understanding the principle of controlling a robot or "what do I need for what"?
General Discussion / Re: Hello,
November 21, 2013, 08:48:56 PM
Hello Johannes,

i guess, that I'm going to start with these tutorials ...

I do pretty well with grasshopper though ...

my plan is to get to know more about the inputs of all these nice components ...

General Discussion / Getting started with KUKA|prc
November 21, 2013, 02:31:08 PM
What's is the best way to get started with KUKA/Prc?
I want to try this out for my own self.
(Really sorry! I didn't want to post this in the Tutorials, but in the General Discussion!)