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Messages - avishek

Support / Re: Kuka PRC with Unity
March 18, 2022, 08:58:44 AM
Hi Johannes,

Thank you for the information. At this moment I was trying to communicate between our robot and hololens2 + oculus quest. And in that regard thought it would have been nice to do it in a single platform. I will send you a rough outline in a couple of days also.

Support / Kuka PRC with Unity
March 17, 2022, 11:38:36 AM
Hi Johannes,

In one of the comment thread you have mentioned you use KukaPRC with Unity "directly" and not using Grasshopper. Can you elaborate a little on that if possible?

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
August 17, 2021, 11:57:15 AM


Thanks a lot. We should send a box of chocolate to Linz actually

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
August 17, 2021, 10:37:43 AM
Hi Johannes

I have done the changes you had suggested and subsequently had to change the So the present changes alongwith your suggestions look like this
public void CORE_UDP(LBR robot, Controller kuka_Sunrise_Cabinet_1, SpatialObject tool, String tcpname, ObjectFrame baseFrame, boolean enablelogging, ITaskLogger logger, IApplicationData AppData, MediaFlangeIOGroup ioGroup, String ip, int port) throws SocketException, UnknownHostException {

//movement parameters
double ptpacc = 1.0;
double ptpint = 4.0;
double linacc = 1000;
double linint = 4.0;

UDPInput = new LinkedBlockingQueue<PRC_CommandData>();

if (ioGroup != null){
digiogroup = new PRC_IOGroupExtended(ioGroup, kuka_Sunrise_Cabinet_1, PRC_Enums.DIGOUT);
aniogroup = new PRC_IOGroupExtended(ioGroup, kuka_Sunrise_Cabinet_1, PRC_Enums.ANOUT);

actTCP = tool.getFrame(tcpname);

udprec = new UDPReceiver(UDPInput);
                // modified line
udpsend = new UDPSender(InetAddress.getByName(ip), port, UDPInput, ioGroup);

So far the code runs flawlessly and does not give any error. I can move, change digiIOs and read data back into GH. Now I need to pass the IO states through CollectPayload in order to read in GH.

Can you suggest what to do next here ?


Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
August 17, 2021, 09:20:49 AM

I have not tried this bit. Let me try and get back to you.

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
August 16, 2021, 01:37:59 PM
Hi Johannes,

I am attaching the two files here the UDPSender and the RunUDP. In the RunUDP @ line 74 I have declared the default MediaFlange IO and in UDPSender @ line 83 I have tried to read one of the pin. In this state if I run the RunUDP, it fails and gives the error I had posted last time.
It will be great if you have a look and help us to find a way to read the IOs in Grasshopper. Meanwhile we will try to talk to KUKA.
Thank you

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
August 13, 2021, 10:52:57 AM
Hi Johannes,

With limited knowledge of Java and threading we have tried whatever we could to get the state of IO in the vector list. But with all the modifications we have done so far, we could not make it work and runUDP always gives an erros.
If you get some time, would you be kind enough to have a look at the issue?

Thank you
Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 30, 2021, 12:30:59 PM
In this case, the problem looks the same but last time RunUDP was running and when I was trying to pass a Digital IO then I was facing the problems. But now after enabling the line 83, I am getting the error while running RunUDP itself and the program is shutting down. I will try to run it in the main code and see what happens then.

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 30, 2021, 12:05:25 PM

If I am using line 83, then I am getting this. Please see the attached image.

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 28, 2021, 12:24:16 PM
Hi Johannes,

I have tried to take in account your suggestion and facing some trouble to get the IO States as force vector outputs. I have put a placeholder boolean and converted to a double and that value can be read in Grasshopper, so that works.
But when I am trying to pass/store the boolean value, read from the media flange, the program does not seem to work. I have followed the code structure in the to modifiy the CollectPayload() function but the error is coming there. I am attaching a modified file in the post. Could you please have a look and tell me where is it going wrong?

Thank you
Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 27, 2021, 10:33:43 AM
Hi Johannes,

In the present scope of KUKA|prc, is there any way to read the current state of IOs of iiwas ?

Support / Re: KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 26, 2021, 05:15:32 PM

I did not know that IO Group had to be referenced. Now I have added this line to the communicator setup :
MediaFlangeIOGroup iogrp = new MediaFlangeIOGroup(kuka_Sunrise_Cabinet_1);
that seems to solve the problem for now. Is that all ?

Support / KUKA_IIWA_Digital_IO_Error
July 26, 2021, 01:57:15 PM
Hello Johannes,

I was trying to send out a digital output signal to KUKA IIWA 14 R820 through grasshopper and encountered an error ( DIGOUT Error.PNG).
Can you please tell me how to resolve this error? Do I need to declare the iogroup at some place in the RunXML or RunUDP file ?

I have attached the screenshots from grasshopper and the error from the pendant.

Quote from: Johannes @ Robots in Architecture on June 11, 2021, 01:52:25 PM

If you look at the error message, it says that it couldn't go to the first position due to a limit at A6. Maybe using a PTP movement first could help here.
As with other KUKA robots, make sure that your tool and base settings match as to ensure a correct simulation.


PTP works for that position but LIN is still giving me a Speed Limit error


The sunrise communicator was giving the position plane with respect to WORLD frame so there I was making a mistake. I got that now. I am simulating the base before sending it out. Now a new error is coming called Speed Limit detected. Attaching a screenshot here. Also, I was doing the testing in AUTO mode.