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Messages - bobpeterson

Support / Re: Adjusting Planes on each point
August 03, 2015, 11:47:04 PM
Thanks so much!  I'll try it out tomorrow.  Looks great, How do I add the simulation with the robot following the path now?

We are using a Kuka KR6-900, I just download PRC free trial a few weeks ago so it should be one of the latest versions. 

Heres a snapshot of it if this helps.
Support / Re: Surface to Toolpath
August 03, 2015, 11:39:57 PM
Here's a example block to cylinder pix
Support / Re: Surface to Toolpath
August 03, 2015, 11:39:17 PM
When I say complex surface I mean, something that a robot should be able to handle.
Like a wave shape-see attached. I want it to process a 3D part by additive or subtractive means.  I don't necessarily need it to process multiple surfaces.  One would be ok to start with.  How do you process into meshes in Rhino/GH?

Maybe the best way to tackle this is to start simple.  Lets say my finished part was a cylinder. Has prc come up with a way to slice from a square stock part to round finished Cylinder.  Or from an additive perspective would prc slice into round disks to build into a cylinder?

It would be great to have that temp license to just try it out. Does PRC handle this SprutCAM- Please send.

Support / Surface to Toolpath
July 31, 2015, 10:25:31 PM
Does anyone know how to convert a complex surface from Rhino to a toolpath with certain offsets, such as basically creating a fill pattern with a cutting path/sliced layers.

Support / Adjusting Planes on each point
July 31, 2015, 10:17:35 PM
I'm creating a helical bent tube at 90deg(see pix).  I want the yellow orientation lines to also follow the direction of the tube, basically make a gradual angle following  the helix.  I can't figure out how to adjust the planes of each point to do this.  Anyone know?  I'm using the file for now to get me started.
