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Messages - austinsamson

Support / Re: Safe Plane Broken?
February 06, 2023, 08:01:14 PM
We ended up just doing our own custom safe planes and it works great - but I'll re-visit this when I have some extra time to get into it -
Support / Re: Error at start of Spline Movement
February 06, 2023, 02:42:00 PM
Hey Johannes,

Thanks for the reply, it all ended up working out - the error blip is still there, but it doesn't seem to effect the robot - runs cleanly through it - as for the spline, it appears to be working fine for our purpose - we get a nice consistent velocity with it, which is something we were struggling with while using the linear movements. I think if there are enough points for the spline (we have 5mm between each point) it is accurate enough, at least for clay printing -   
Support / Safe Plane Broken?
January 18, 2023, 07:05:58 PM
Hey Folks,

My students just downloaded the most recent version of Kuka PRC through food for rhino - and we have a license through Wentworth - for some reason the "safe plane" node seems to be not working - specifically the "start" value, if it is set to true, it will not create the safe plane at the beginning of the path - the end plane works fine - attached are the scripts and a screenshot -

The script worked fine in an older version of KUKA prc - but for some reason I have this problem in the newer version -


Support / Re: Error at start of Spline Movement
January 02, 2023, 04:37:55 AM
update - I closed and re-opened those attached files and for some reason I was getting a continuous error - had to open the PRC settings a hit apply to get it back working - so may be a larger issue going on...
Support / Error at start of Spline Movement
January 02, 2023, 04:26:48 AM
Hi there,

I am working on a script that allows for 3D printing clay on a doubly curved surface - attached is the script and rhino file - I have it working fine with a Linear movement - but I was told by another colleague that the Spline movement allows for better control over velocity (more consistent) when in T1 mode - so I am trying to use spline now - 

My problem is that there is a weird blip in the simulation that throws an error on the PRC side - it only occurs at the very start of each spline movement - any ideas? I have not tested this on the arm yet, so it may not even be a problem, but still curious as to what it would be -


6-Axis Clay Printing - Training 01 - Surface Conforming Toolpaths.3dm
6-Axis Clay Printing - Training 01 - Surface Conforming