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Messages - TimKennt

Hi all,

I'm using the G-code importer to import 3D slicing data frum Prus Slicer and I'm running into a problem with the extrusion values. For some reason the last E1 value from a print move is repeated for travelmoves.
I've tested some things, like using a GO code instead of a G1 code for travel moves, but same result.

Anyone facing the same issue?

I've attached textfragments of the same part in both G-code input as well as the KRL output.
Yup, that seems to be it! Didn't know that panels with larger amounts of text were so demanding.

Thanks for helping me out here Johannes!
An update:

I've tested the calculations withe bottleneck navigator and found that the Analysis component has similar calculating time as the KUKA PRC component when no KRL code is pushed to the Analysis component:
KUKA PRC: 359ms
Analysis: 467ms

Also, Grasshopper is completely responsive after the calculations and acts normal.

With the 'Output KRL to Analysis component' option enabled times are very similar (though seamingly switched):

KUKA PRC: 450ms
Analysis: 374ms

Nevertheless Grasshopper is very inresponsive after the calculations are done and KRL code is visible in the panel....

Hi Johannes,

KUKA PRC has no serious problems with the data. Outputting a KRL file to en folder is going pretty well and doesn't take al that long.
It's specifically the analysis component that's struggling and keeps on struggling long after is had already processed everything. In the panel I can see the generated KRL code, so it's done calculating but remains very slow after. For instance it takes more than 2-3 minutes to proces a zoom command.

I'll test if a smaller list will have no issues.
Hi there everyone,

I'm trying to do some post-processing on the KRL output within the same Grasshopper file. However, with the 'output KRL to analysis' activated, the analysis component seems to stall and Grasshopper becomes inresponsive. Even when the solver is locked, this problem remains.

I'm a bit lost now. Any thoughts?