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Messages - oleg


Thank you very much.
I will practice.

Best regards
Next question
How i can add robot arm configuration data to code?
for now I add this value manually to the file.
Example code at the attached image (second image it`s code with powermill).

Thanks for your recomendation.
I will give feedback later.

Best regards
I aproved access

Hello all
I have a question with quantity of planes
As I k`now, for create trajectory for robots on KUKA|prc we need create planes at each point trajectory.
But sometimes a lot of points leads to an increase in items for computer processing.
My problem is that I need to create programs with the number of terms up to 200 thousand, but 200 thousand planes is too heavy a volume to calculate the trajectory by a computer.

Maybe someone k`nows how to simplify trajectory...

I think it is possible to create a trajectory whose points are controlled by a set of planes for a certain number of layers.
Or, for example, if one plane controls the axis of the tool by points to the next plane, etc.

It`s real?)
thank you very much!
Your algorithm gave me more undarstanding.
I will practice and learn further
best regards
thank for your fast reply
I succeeded create simple traectory and code with your advice.
But in the future i have to create programs with turntable because robot arm don`t reach the entire field.
How i can controling and give higher priority for turntable?
Robot tries to reach the traectory without using turntable.
meybe answer for this question hidden on settings
Hello all.
Im new user kuka prc
I have problem to instal and positioning robot at grasshopper.
Robot build include linear rail and turntable, i can`t undarstand how to bind this external axises for correct generate code.

As i undarstand i need use to custom linear axisw and turntable
pleace help me for second question, How to generate and save code.
The tool I use i this extruder with custom geometry.
Maybe someone has a solution for this problem.

Best regards