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Messages - WAAMMAN

Support / Adding the option for .DAT file generation
November 12, 2024, 08:10:55 PM
Hey there.

We're in need of the ability to generate .dat files to work with kuka arctech. It would benefit us to be able to automatically generate a DAT file containing some data we'd like to have the program reference.

For reference, this is to be able to change welding parameters between a Kuka KRC4 and Fronius power source.

Also open to alternative solutions. We've been trying to change the settings based on a signal declaration for a bit to no avail.
Hello everyone,

Not sure if this is a documented bug, but it appears as though robots (KUKA DKP table shown here) block grasshopper previews (as well as the CPlane in rhino).
The previews are not actually blocked by the robot models, but the model rendering is applied over the previews and rhino objects?
It's difficult to describe, but the problem constantly necessitates for me to turn off the PRC Core preview so I can see the preview geometry and CPlane.
