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Messages - UofM FABLab

Support / Re: Compound Return Error on IIWA
April 16, 2024, 10:08:49 PM
I'll check with them and let everyone know if there is a good suggestion.
Support / Compound Return Error on IIWA
April 16, 2024, 05:31:13 PM
I'm looking for some assistance/advice with an issue we have been having with our Kuka IIWA.

Over the past few months after having extruded hundreds of pounds of clay, the setup we have has been working well. Though there has been a few times that we received a CK_Compound_return_error. I originally attributed this to LIN motions that were to close together (ex. less than 4mm). Since then, we have been running our Kuka|PRC script with LIN distances that are 8mm or greater.

The error is also not repeatable. When it has occurred, we run the same file again and there are no errors. So it doesn't present itself in the same location/position.
-   All our axis are mastered
-   There are no unreferenced axis
Any advice on a way to debug this issue?
As having this little 'ghost' show up is slightly annoying.
Hello Johannes,

This worked. To establish the connection, I had to include the MediaFlangeIOGroup in the constructor of the the thread and inject it.

Thank you very much for your help.

Thank you for your reply Johannes.

I've fidled around with the code you sent and I am still unsure on how to establish a relationship between the thread and the ioGroup/mediaFlange.

Would it look something like this?

public UDPReceiver(MediaFlangeIOGroup mediaFlangeIO) throws SocketException {
       socket = new DatagramSocket(30000);
        mediaFlange = mediaFlangeIO;

I've essentially just changed the variable from your code to MediaFlangeIOGroup. How would I got about changing a pin status in this setup?

Thank you for your help.

Take care,

I am currently working on a project where a thread is used outside of the main application class in sunrise workbench to constantly cycle a stepper motor, while the main class goes about its functions.

I've run into a wall trying to access the media flange via the stepper thread in sunrise workbench. I am able to inject the media flange into the thread, but it throws an error when trying to set a pin.

Any advice/help would be greatly appreciated.


We have been trying to work with 'CIR Move' command in the prc, that outputs to KUKA Sunrise robot language.
We can see that the CIR command is being output after the 'WEAVE CMD' in Grasshopper. Thought once the file is saved as the .xml, the CIR command is simply eliminated from the series of commands.
If we change the language output option to PRC the CIR command is written properly to the .src file.
This there something we are missing or is the Kuka|PRC 'Sunrise language' not able to handle CIR commands.

Calling up the AppSwitch is possible, I just wasn't sure about the enabling switch.
If you don't think the enabling switch can be called because it is a safety-relevant switch, that kind of answers my question.
And in a way makes sense, as it would be restricted to monitor safety related events only.

Hello all,

We are working towards a project that would integrate the Enabling Switch and the AppSwitch on our LBR iiwa's Pneumatic Touch Flange.
We are having a bit of an issue with understanding the syntax of calling up these switches in the Sunrise workbench.
In Work Visual, we can see the AppSwitch is mapped to the input signal NSRIOInputs.NSR APPSWITCH, with the name "User Button". Though we can't see how the enabling switch is mapped in the I/O.
If we call up the I/O groups in Sunrise via the import com.kuka.generated.ioAccess.MediaFlangeIOGroup;. Will this give us access to the enabling switch? If so what would its name be, considering we can't find its mapped name in Work Visual.

This problem may steam from our lack of understanding of the CIB_SR.1-.7,.JR,.NHS signal types.
We could not find documentation on the description of these signal types relative to their switches.

Directional help would be appreciated.
Hi Joannes,

We were debating on the media flange "Touch pneumatic, with LED".
Our tech is well versed in Java so we have an upside there for a range of projects we are looking at working on.
For the first year this arm will primary be used for a couple of research projects, individuals are working on. Then in the following years we will open it up to student use.

Thanks for the well informed info.
Hi all,

We are looking at the purchase of an LBR iiwa 14KG for our Faculty and had a question with regards to others opinions on whether it is worth it to purchase the expansions for the sunrise software.
For Example:
Sunrise FRI 1.11
Sunrise BackupRestore 1.2
Sunrise Servoing 1.11
Sunrise SafeOperation 1.3
Sunrise PROFINET M/S 1.2
Sunrise HRC 1.3

We will primary be using the grasshopper (KUKA prc) plugin, to develop and send information to the arm.
What might we be missing out on if we choose not to purchase these additions.
I have a general understanding of the expansion software but thought I would ask to see if anyone has specific examples of times they wish they would have had one of the expansions.

All the best
Jason Hare