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General Discussion / Re: KUKAPRC and KRC1
April 21, 2016, 12:47:13 PM
Tnxx and done!

We checkmarked the older KRC and 1000 lines limit.

As soon as we're online, I'll let you know what the progress is.
General Discussion / Re: KUKAPRC and KRC1
April 19, 2016, 09:54:59 AM
One of us, Robert, has a legal version of Rhino and Grasshopper, tried at your advice the checkmark for older KRC controller and got the next error±

;KUKA|prc has expired!
;Please contact us at robots@robotsinarchitecture if you want to use KUKA|prc commercially
;A new evaluation version is available at

Haha, time has caught us up, that means Kuka is hiding in the dark for over a year now :) It is time for us to renew our goals. As soon as we progress we´ll be in touch again.
General Discussion / Re: KUKAPRC and KRC1
April 18, 2016, 09:32:20 PM
Hi Johannes,

Tnxx for the quick response.

Glad to hear KRC1can handle KukaPrc.

  • Nice. I'm quite sure we didn't mark such a checkbox. Did it excist from the beginning? We're looking in the wrong direction now.
  • yes I agree. She will be placed within the limits of her new enviroment with optical borders, emergency stops etc like she formerly was working between the limits of her closed cell. Due to assembly reasons the X11connector was chopped off to be able to connect the new Fanuc to the existing safety equipment in the original cell. It gave us some headaches sometimes.
  • well maybe you did answer the question already. We would like to be able to run kukaprc when being teached by Alexandre when that moment is there soon. But
    Kuka should be running fully by then.
  • what is the standard memory in the krc1, do you know? If I remember it correctly, there was an extended memory module build in afterwards, because we were trying to load far to much programs at once. We had to split the total amount of programs in chunks she would accept. I'll look int it.

We actually can calibrate the axis and move her around in the different movement modules in T1. We run into an error if trying to load the kukaprc file. We will have to make some adjustments in wallmounts etc before we can plug her into the walloutlet, check the checkmark for older krc's and finish the safetymodules. I'll be back soon. Thanks for your efforts, regards,

General Discussion / KUKAPRC and KRC1
April 18, 2016, 01:23:06 PM

We, @Fablab (Cheesefactory, because we reside in Alkmaar, The Netherlands) purchased an old Kuka KRC1 from my, writer of this topic,  actual employer. Transport and not being a robot technician caused a 3 month's search and trial and error quest, before we got her in the position she could move in T1, to reposition, calibrate the six axis and love her again:-)

We wanted to follow some workshops at Fablab Barcelona with Alexandre Dubor at that time, but had to get her moving before that first. Plus we needed a dedicated place in our fablab were she could stay and work safely. These conditions have been managed in the past year, so time comes for the next step. Alexandre adviced me to look into this forum.

It seems KRC1 is supported since then, at least at this moment, nice! But what do we have to do to accomplish this? I tried a search string with KRC1 and have read all (6:-)) posts.

  • Kuka PRC is exporting a single file *.src combining all the information needed, avoiding the use of a *.dat file. KRC1 needs a seperate *.dat file.
  • Because we still have to overrule some safety issues, I guess we'll need a minimum of safety precautions for the program to work? In the beginning we got a shematic to make loops in one of the cables. Not everything was the same as mentioned in that file.
  • We still want to make an appointment with Alexandre to follow his course. Does anyone know which conditions the Kuka needs to make the course advantageous?
  • If it works and everybody at our Fablab is convinced she can stay, we'll surely will be members of Robots in Architecture, or would your advice be: Buy a newer one? Is it for instance possible to rebuild this Robot with the hardware from a KRC2?

As a diehard in visiting forums to get answers I know the benefit for a forum is giving answers also. I sincerely hope to be able to do so in the near future.

Thanks in advance,
