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Messages - gustavovl

Hello Johannes, thanks a lot for the answer!
I've seen already the communication using I2C, but in this case we should use Beckhoff, so I'll take a better look in Codesys then!
Best Regards
Hello everybody, I'm new to Beckhoff and I couldn't find the solution yet, I'd appreciate if someone could enlight me! :)
I need to integrate two distinct and already functional systems: one is working with a Raspberry connected to other devices; the other one is a Bechoff unit getting sensors data. Now I need to get these data captured by the Beckhoff and send them to the Raspberry.
Does someone know if I can access these sensors data in a Beckhoffs unit (it's a CX9020, but we can use a EK1100 as well...) by the Raspberry without using any other intermediate device (just the board and the unit)? Is there some api or something where I could access these values without using the Twincat graphical interface (for example, by one new process running in the OS unit)?
Thank you vey much!