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Messages - AlvaroLRD

General Discussion / Help With Roboteam.
February 28, 2017, 04:51:40 PM
 Hi there,
I have a kr30 and kr60 with roboteam, but i'm not sure how to start to run in. Does anyone have a manual or a guide i can follow to start
with the calibration?

Thank You very much!.
Support / Unexpected behavior of KR60/30
September 27, 2016, 12:51:45 PM
Dear All,

I have a problem running a very simple program. i have set a new position for the robot, (it has a  positive rotation  of 45 deg. in Z) and i have also set a new starting point
for the program. When i run it the initial target is ok, but after this, the robot start an unexpected rotation in A1 which has no sense at all. In the simulation everything looks
alright, so if anyone has any thought it would be very helpful. Thank You very much.